How to Handle a Difficult Child:

- Parents sit down together and talk about which behaviors need to be modified and what the consequences will be for each of these behaviors.
- Sit down with the child when he/she is calm and explain that these behaviors are unacceptable and what the consequences are if the child violates the rule/expectation.
- Always follow through with the consequences – if you back down one time, this is called intermittent reward and the behavior will continue (might get worse) because the child knows they can break you down.
- When the child is acting in a way that is unacceptable, take him/her by the arm and pull him/her aside, make eye contact, and let them know the consequence. Be patient, do not raise your voice, but keep leading the child back to their room, time-out spot, etc. until they comply. At first you might end up doing this for 2 hrs. before the child realizes you are not giving up.
- Tell the child that you want them to think about the way they behaved and apologize for the behavior after the consequence has been carried out.
- Make eye contact with the child and do not yell or lose your temper.
- Both parents must present a united front. Dividing and conquering is a simple tactic that kids will use to manipulate you. This means parents must communicate about the child’s behavior and be on the same page about consequences.
- Your child will whine and moan and throw tantrums in order to push boundaries – hold the boundaries and eventually the child will realize that they are no longer controlling you.